St. Luke's Episcopal Church

Offering a unique and fulfilling experience of worship through an Anglo-Catholic mass.

How We Worship

St. Luke's is the traditional Anglo-Catholic parish in the Fort Myers deanery within our Episcopal diocese of Southwest Florida, with strong historical ties to the Oxford movement in England and a lineage of SSC priests. As such, our church strongly emphasizes the catholic heritage and identity of the Anglican tradition as found in the Episcopal church.

The eucharist is the centralitry of our worship. We believe in the real presence of Christ in the eucharist, and thus the central point of worship is the reception of Christ in the communion of the faithful. The liturgy of the word, our scripture readings and sermons, prepares us for the word made flesh that we receive in the eucharist and carry out into the world. Within our holy sanctuary members of St. Luke's venerate the body of Christ, His holy altar, and His tabernacle out of respect for the eucharist.

Our worship is solemn and liturgical. We practice all of the high church traditions, with the use of incense and bells during worship. We keep the tradition of the solemn procession, of priests flanked by deacons and subdeacons during procession and at the service of the altar. Our church practices the liturgy as handed to us in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, more often than not to be sung and chanted by both congregation and clergy together.

In addition to the common feasts of the Episcopal church, St. Luke's also offers many traditions from our catholic heritage in the Anglican communion. Such traditions include Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament during Evensong, Stations of the Cross during Lent, and the Chapel of Repose during Holy Week. Many members privately hold to pious devotions such as the rosary, and clergy members pray the Ave Maria before and after mass.

Our Chapel

Besides our beautiful sanctuary, St. Luke's also contains a chapel for worship services. This is a small and intimate space for prayer and smaller masses. Historically, St. Luke's offered daily mass in this chapel and had even heard confessions here. Currently, the chapel is used on Wednesday for the Healing Mass, though plans to slowly bring back more weekday masses are in the works.

Contact Us

2635 Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers, Fl
Phone: (239)-334-2479
Office Email

Worship Schedule

Sundays: 10 AM
High Mass

Wednesdays: 10 AM
Unction Mass in Chapel

Holiday Schedule

Tuesday, December 24th: 7:30 PM
Christmas Eve Mass

Wednesday, December 25th: 10:00 AM
Christmas Day Mass

St. Luke's - 2024