Music in Worship
Music is an important part of our liturgy in St. Luke's, and our church is renowned for its tradition of excellent music both in church services and in concerts. At St. Luke's everybody has a part to play in the musical offerings to God. Our organ prepares the congregation for worship, the choir leads the congregation in hymn singing, the priest chants the gospel and prayers, the congregation chants the responses, and the choir sings anthems that reflect on the scriptures of the mass. The choir also sings a unique setting of the psalm in traditional Anglican Chant every Sunday. In addition to all the classic Anglican hymns and psalm settings, our choir sings standards from the renaissance and baroque period to classic 20th century English choral music.

The organ at St. Luke's is a hybrid of a Schlicker/Moeller organ. The organ contains 65 ranks of pipes and massively fills the sanctuary with pipes surrounding three of the four transcepts. Click here to read the list of organ stops.