19 Dec Newsletter
SERVICE – Our own Fr. Lester will conduct the service on Dec 22. For the rest of the year, we will have a variety of other supply priests, depending on their availability. Christmas Eve., 24 Dec. the 7:30 mass will be conducted by Fr. Grady. Sunday, Dec 29 Fr. Hanson will officiate.
For those of you who might not have been to St. Luke’s as often as you would have liked recently. Please come out to hear Fr Hanson, solid theology, a fine speaking voice and a warm personality. We are truly blessed to have 3 wonderful, holy and caring priests, Fathers Grady, Lester and Hanson to help us in our hour of need
“DECK THE HALLS WITH BOUGHS OF HOLLY…” and after mass on the 22nd we will be decorating the sanctuary for CHRISTMAS. The Hospitality Committee has promised special refreshments for the decorators, and we need YOU, Sir, and also YOU, Madam, to help hang wreaths and garlands, “Fluff” bows and place ornaments, set out the pew candles and 1,000 other things to be ready to celebrate our Savior’s birth. PLEASE come. You will not only help, but you just might have some fun! Falalalala,lalalaLA!
ST, LUKE’S OUTREACH – We are proud to list the following programs where the people of St. Luke’s reach out to help the less fortunate in their hour of need
FOOD BANK – The Christmas donation of food was delivered to our partners at All Souls in N. Ft. Myers on Dec. 17. Thanks to all who contributed. Remember St. Luke 3:11. But people will still get hungry after the holidays. Our partners at All Souls sure appreciate our help in helping the less fortunate. PLEASE keep those cans and bags rolling in! St. Nicholas of Myra would probably be proud of you.
ANGEL TREE CHARITY – The gifts for children of incarcerated parents will be distributed to the caretakers by our volunteers on Dec 21. A big THANK YOU to all who contributed to help these children have a happier Christmas.
FRIENDS OF ANNA CHARITY - Once again we have been asked to help out ANNA’S FRIENDS (Formerly “Guardian ad Litem”) a non-profit group started to help children who have become wards of the 20th District Court and other foster children. Some of these children, ranging in age from infancy through the teen years, have been removed from their homes with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Anna’s Friends maintain a “Comfort Closet” to provide the things needed for day-to-day life. This is where we come in. Suggested gift items include clothing (esp. socks, underwear and pajamas), diapers (esp. larger sizes), “onesies” for infants, wipes, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothbrushes and paste, toys, books, bed linens or blankets (twin size), or $5 - $10 gift cards for the teens. Gifts should NOT be wrapped or labelled. Decorated collection boxes have been placed in Haynes-Burgess Hall to collect the gifts. They will be picked up by Anna’s Friends between Christmas and Epiphany. Mark 10: 13 - 16
MUSIC Advent 4 - Year C -The focus of Advent 4 in all three lectionary years is Mary's meeting with Elizabeth; therefore, this Sunday may be called "Mary's Sunday." Our hymns reflect the final longing for the coming of Jesus and Mary's utterance of her joy in the Magnificat: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (Hymn 66); Praise We the Lord This Day (Hymn 267), The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (Hymn 265) and the most well-known Advent hymn, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Hymn 56). The choir will sing a new setting of the Magnificat in place of a psalm, and we will be blest with a duet from Handel's (German/British, 1685-1759) oratorio Messiah: He Shall Feed His Flock and Come Unto Him sung by Janet Ortenzo, Mezzo-Soprano, and Caroline Gordon, Soprano. The instrumental voluntaries include American composer Leo Sowerby’s (American 1895-1968) setting of Veni, veni Emmanuel and Louis Claude D'Aquin's (French (would you believe?) 1694-1774) Noel Suisse (Swiss Noel). Sowerby also composed the setting of the Kyrie we have been singing during Advent, as found in our hymnal. In some Protestant denominations, this Sunday is a "Christmas Sunday;" however, in our tradition, Christmas is not celebrated until December 24-25, when we will sing all the familiar Christmas carols. Join us for this last Sunday in Advent with your friends and family!
After a few years of neglect, significant maintenance work has already been done to bring our organ back to its full working order at a cost of about $6,500, with some fairly extensive, recently discovered termite damage yet to go. We are blessed to have such a fine organ and an exceptional organist/choirmaster to lead us in worship.. Let's all do our part to help pay for this work, for the glory of God. Make your check payable to St. Luke's/Friends of the Choir.
ST. LUKE’S CHOIR - - If you are interested in singing with St. Luke’s Choir, January is a good time to join. Weekly rehearsals are held every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room beginning January 9th. The Choir reconvenes each Sunday at 9:00 am for a warm-up in preparation for the 10 am Service. ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN WITHOUT AUDITION! Come help us make a joyful noise unto our Lord! If you are interested, please contact our Director of Music Ministry, Dr. Ronald Doiron so a music folder may be prepared for you prior to your attendance.
TENORS WANTED! – Our choir needs / wants tenor voices.
VESTRY ELECTIONS - At the time of the annual meeting (26 Jan.,’25) we will have vacancies on the vestry that need to be filled. If you are interested in being a candidate or have questions, please speak with a vestry member.
FINANCE – As we face the end of the calendar year, thanks to your generosity it looks like we will be able to meet all our obligations IF giving continues at the present rate. The beginning of the New Year, however, will bring new challenges starting with the quarterly insurance bill. Remember to check the detailed financial information, updated weekly, posted in Haynes-Burgess Hall. Please, prayerfully, consider how you can help St. Luke’s survive and grow.
Remember to admire the beautiful new sign on the Cleveland Ave. side of the church. It is not illuminated and the final payment will be taken from our endowment fund.
Our Stewardship Drive is currently underway. Stewardship Information Packets have gone out in the mail. Don’t forget to return your card ASAP.
BUILDING – The existing wooden doors in the Sanctuary are up for sale. If you want them, or know anyone who might, PLEASE contact our Jr. Warden Donna Williams.
Have you noticed the recent improvements in our landscaping? Thank DAVID BREEZE for his efforts which make St. Luke’s look SO much better and more alive. With our current budget situation we can really use more help both with exterior landscaping AND with interior minor maintenance and cleaning. If you would like to help, contact our Junior Warden, DONNA WILLIAMS
THEATRE NIGHT- If you have a suggestion for our next Theatre night, please contact BARBARA FLYNN.
COFFEE HOUR – We need volunteers to provide “goodies” for the coffee hour, Please sign up on the sheet in Haynes-Burgess Hall.
Dec 21 – Distribution of “Angel Tree” Gifts
Dec 22 – Decorate the sanctuary after mass
Dec. 24 – No Finance Committee meeting
Dec 24 – Christmas Eve, 7:30 pm service with Fr. Grady
Jan 13,’25 – Serendipity Bible Study- (239) 560-4535, 7 PM – NOTE NO meeting Dec. 23 or 30 or Jan 6!
Jan 26 Annual Meeting – Vestry elections.
If you want more, less or different information, tell your vestry.