21 Nov Newsletter
When you are praying this week, remember to give thanks that the tropical storm, Sara, that caused so much damage in Central America, fizzled out before it got here.
SERVICE – Our own Fr. Grady will conduct the service on Nov 24. For the rest of the year, we will have a variety of other supply priests, depending on their availability
Remember our Wednesday morning Healing service conducted by Canon Bill Lester @ 10:00 am in the chapel. (James 5:16)
ST, LUKE’S OUTREACH – We are proud to list the following programs where the people of St. Luke’s reach out to the less fortunate in our community to help in their hour of need
FOOD BANK – A nice collection of much-needed food items is building up in Haynes-Burgess Hall. We plan to take them to All Souls on Nov 26 for distribution before Thanksgiving. Starting Nov 27 we will be collecting for distribution by Christmas. Please consider canned cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes or yams, pumpkin, boxes or bags of stuffing, rice mixes, smaller bags of rice, sugar or flour.
ANGEL TREE CHARITY - This is an extension of our prison ministry sponsored by prisonfellowship.org to provide wrapped presents for the children of incarcerated parents. All of the “Angels” have been picked up and things seem to be going well. Please bring your wrapped present back to St. Luke’s by Dec. 15 for distribution on Dec 21. If you would like to share in the joy of delivering the gifts to the “Caretaker” families, volunteers are welcome. Please contact BARBARA FLYNN (bflynn1073@aol.com) or DONNA WILLIAMS (donnawilliams211@comcast.net).
FRIENDS OF ANNA CHARITY - Once again, as has happened every year at recent Christmastides, we have been asked to help out ANNA’S FRIENDS (Formerly “Guardian ad Litem”) a non-profit group started to help children who have become wards of the 20th District Court which has expanded to help all foster children.
Some of these children, ranging in age from infancy through the teen years, have been removed from their homes with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Anna’s Friends maintain a “Comfort Closet” to provide the things needed for day-to-day life. This is where we come in. Suggested gift items include clothing (esp. socks, underwear and pajamas), diapers (esp. larger sizes), “onesies” for infants, wipes, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothbrushes and paste, toys, books, bed linens or blankets (twin size), or $5 - $10 gift cards for the teens. Gifts should NOTbe wrapped or labelled. Decorated collection boxes have been placed in Haynes-Burgess Hall to collect the gifts. They will be picked up by Anna’s Friends between Christmas and Epiphany. Mark 10: 13 - 16
MUSIC - Last Sunday After Pentecost - Christ the King Sunday - the end of our Liturgical Year. Today we celebrate Christ our King with instrumental music composed for the French royal court by 18th century musician Louis-Nicolas Clerambault (1676 – 1749). Hymn 477 (All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine) appropriately opens our service with Alleluias! Our Gradual hymn (Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus!) expresses speaks to us of Jesus, our Galilean King who bore our sin and shame. In anticipation of next Sunday (Advent 1), the choir will sing Gustav Holst's (English 1874-1968) famous arrangement of Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. Everett Titcomb's (American, 1884 – 1968) beautiful arrangement of Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love for choir and soprano solo will inspire us during communion. The service ends with one of my dentist's favorite hymns Crown Him with Many Crowns! Join us with friends and family to celebrate Christ our King!
After a few years of neglect, significant maintenance work has already been done to bring our organ back to its full working order at a cost of about $6,500, with some fairly extensive, recently discovered termite damage yet to go. Several stops on the organ are once again playable and making music. Broken electric contacts have been restored and/or replaced. We are blessed to have such a fine organ and an exceptional organist/choirmaster to lead us in worship.. Let's all do our part to help pay for this work, for the glory of God. Make your check payable to St. Luke's/Friends of the Choir.
ST. LUKE’S CHOIR - If you are interested in singing with St. Luke’s Choir, please join us. Weekly rehearsals are held every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room followed by a time of fellowship in the Library. The Choir reconvenes each Sunday at 9:00 am for a warm-up in preparation for the 10 am Service. ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN WITHOUT AUDITION! Come help us make a joyful noise unto our Lord! If you are interested, please contact our Director of Music Ministry, Dr. Ronald Doiron.
TENORS WANTED! – I have been asked to spread the word that our choir needs / wants tenor voices.
FINANCE –Due to recent changes in code requirements (massive hurricane-proof foundations), the cost of the sign, to be placed in front of our church, has increased by $3,000.00. Please help us to meet this expense by giving a one-time gift designated to “Church Sign”. Thank you for your faithful support as we continue to rebuild our parish.
Our Stewardship Drive is currently underway. If you haven’t picked up your Stewardship Information Packet yet, please do so on Sunday or make a special stop by the Church. Postage is now $0.73 / item; and don’t forget to return your card ASAP.
BUILDING – The existing wooden doors in the Sanctuary will be up for sale. If you want them, or know anyone who might, PLEASE contact our Jr. Warden Donna Williams.
When the handsome, new, code-compliant doors are installed, we will need to replace the existing outside lights above the doors which not only do not meet code but are disintegrating with age. Once again, we could use donations for both lights and labor.
We currently have no sexton, janitor or cleaning service, Our vestry has recently gotten a quote for 2 cleanings a month for $440.00/mo. Checking with other churches in town, that would be a bargain BUT we don’t have $440.00/mo at the moment. PLEASE keep this in mind when you respond to our Stewardship drive. Vestry Member Linda Brown has all the details.
THEATRE NIGHT- We are going to dine and see “A Christmas Carol” – musical version, at Broadway Palms on Dec 1. There are still seats available if YOU want to go. For help, ask BARBARA FLYNN.
COFFEE HOUR – We need volunteers to provide “goodies” for the coffee hour, Please sign up on the sheet in Haynes-Burgess Hall
CALENDAR - Dec. 1 – Theatre Night “A Christmas Carol”
Dec 2, 9 &16, Jan 6,’25 – Serendipity Bible Study- (239) 560-4535, 7 PM – NOTE NO meeting Nov.,25 or Dec. 23 or 30!
Dec 15 – Lessons & Carols
Dec 21 – Distribution of “Angel Tree” Gifts
Dec 24 – 25, Christmas. Comes on a Wednesday this year and your vestry feels that it would be nice to have a service; but since we do not have a Rector, that isn’t that easy to plan. Please tell your vestry what service(s) you would prefer this Christmas and we will try to make it happen
If you want more, less or different information, tell your vestry.