24 Oct Newsletter
SERVICE = Our Sunday mass (10:00) will again be conducted by Fr. Algernon who will be with us until Nov 1. Unfortunately, no further information about any of the services, feast days or homilies / sermons was available at time of publication. Fr Grady will conduct the All Souls service on Nov 3 and we will then have other supply priests, including Fr. Steven Gerth from Naples through the end of the year.
Remember our Wednesday morning Healing service conducted by Canon Bill Lester @ 10:00 am in the chapel. (James 5:16)
FINANCE – The good news is that we paid the quarterly insurance bill and we are still have our heads above water. The bad news is that, due to recent changes in code requirements (massive hurricane-proof foundations), the cost of the sign, to be placed in front of our church, has increased by $3,000.00. Please help us to meet this expense by giving a one-time gift designated to “Church Sign”. Thank you for your faithful support as we continue to rebuild our parish.
BUILDING – Work has been slowed down by Helene and Milton and we still have the skylights, the new lightning rods, gutters and downspouts, the fence, some outside electrical (lights) work, the main church doors (this is the “biggie” still remaining) and the carpet to go. BUT IT IS STILL COMING ALONG!
FOOD BANK –Through Oct, we will be asking for cans of beans (green or other), corn or peas to be used in “family bags” by the All Souls ministry.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - Daughters of the King have partnered again with Samaritan Purse and have one of their projects: Operation Christmas Child. You can use one of the plastic boxes that were distributed in the Parish Hall on the 20th or go to Hobby Lobby and purchase one for $3.99 OR use a regular cardboard shoe box (some people like to decorate theirs). Many items can be found at a Dollar Store or on Amazon. Ideas to fill: toys and books, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, undergarments, crafts, doll, stuffed animals, balls, eating utensils, sunglasses, flip flops, flashlight with batteries, school supplies (pencils, notepad crayons). DO NOT INCLUDE: food, candy, gum, medications, seeds, used items, liquids, breakable items.
You must label boy or girl and ages 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. You must also include $10 for mailing. If you include a check, it will be a while before it is cashed, or you can include cash for Samaritian Purse and mark that on the envelope, putting that on top of your filled box. Some folks prefer to print their labels and track their package where it goes to: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/label-options/
BOXES DUE NO LATER THAN NOV 17th to be taken to distribution site. Please return box to Suzanne Jager, or any other Daughter of the King member.
COFFEE HOUR – We need volunteers to provide “goodies” for the coffee hour, Please sign up on the sheet in Haynes-Burgess Hall
MUSIC - Sunday, October 27, 2024 - Year B - Pentecost 23 - Proper 25
Today we are reminded that Christ lives to intercede for us before God and we hear again the story of Christ healing the blind man. How appropriate that we sing of God, our great "fortress" - Hymn 688 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. During our Gradual hymn we will sing about once being blind, but now we see - Hymn 671 - Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound. The choir will offer two anthems: My Eyes for Beauty Pine by Herbert Howells ( 1892 – 1983, UK) (text by English poet Robert Bridges (1844 – 1930)) and Mozart's ((1756 – 1791, Austrian) setting of Psalm 117 - Laudate Dominum - with our wonderful soprano soloist, Caroline Gordon, accompanied by the choir and guest violinist Rachel Cox, who will also offer two instrumental voluntaries. We will end the service singing praise to God for our healing in Hymn 410 - Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven. In preparation for All Hallows Eve, the final voluntary will be the Toccata in D Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750 – German) (think of the movie Rollerball....). Join us for this celebration of healing and praise!
On another musical matter, the sign up for St. Luke’s “Friends of Music” in the 2024 – 2025 season has recently been sent out. If you didn’t get one, please check with Dr. Doiron or the office.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Our Oct 8 session was cancelled due to Milton. The program is scheduled to continue every Tuesday until 29 Oct, studying the Gospel of John. If you want to join them, please do, they will welcome you.
ST. LUKE’S CHOIR - If you are interested in singing with St. Luke’s Choir, please join us. Weekly rehearsals are held every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room followed by a time of fellowship in the Library. The Choir reconvenes each Sunday at 9:00 am for a warm-up in preparation for the 10 am Service. ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN WITHOUT AUDITION! Come help us make a joyful noise unto our Lord! If you are interested, please contact our Director of Music Ministry, Dr. Ronald Doiron.
VISITOR PLAN – Remember, we are implementing the new VISITORS PLAN to try to grow our church and make sure it survives. We are ALL part of the plan and we are counting on YOU to help make sure that all our visitors are warmly welcomed and supplied with the yellow “Connect Cards” that are now both in the pews and the folders. In case you have misplaced your copy of the plan it is attached to this newsletter below.
THEATRE NIGHT – We are still looking for suggestions for future events. Please send info to bflynn1073@aol.com, allowing plenty of time to get things organized
CALENDAR -Oct 28 – Serendipity Bible Study- (239) 560-4535, 7 PM
Oct 29 – Women’s Bible Study – See Above
Nov 3 – All Saint's Day Mass with Stanley’s Trumpet Voluntary!
Dec 15 – Lessons & Carols
If you want more, less or different information, tell your vestry.