
St. Luke's, in the fashion of a traditional English parish, contains a cloistered garden within its walls. It is a simple and peaceful space with walkways and benches to sit and relax. Services, on occasion, such as the Blessing of the Animals have been held outside in this garden. Ordinarily on Sunday, the clergy and choir all process into the church with the garden as the starting point of procession.

St. Joseph's Columbarium is a resting place for the ashes of our parishioners who have passed on. The columbarium is a visceral reminder of the words in our eucharistic prayer, with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name, that our worship is not conducted merely on Earth or for our own sake but also in heaven and for the sake of those who have gone before us.

Members of St. Luke's or representatives from their families may reserve a niche in our granite columbarium for the price of $2,000. Please contact the office if you would like to reserve a niche for yourself or a family member in preparation of your passing. The inurnment of ashes is typically accompanied with a Burial Service from the Book of Common Prayer.